February Favourites <3

We made it! We’ve escaped the worst month of the year and are on a one way road to lighter mornings, better weather and dreams of a summer getaway (too soon?). With this in mind, and to celebrate the end of a wage-drought since before Christmas (gulp!) I decided to celebrate by treating myself to a handful of new additions to my ever-expanding make-up bag. ❤

I can never resist MAC, especially as I have to pass it on the way to the car park (!). I could spend hours lusting after the abundance of colours on the lipstick stands, each one drawing me in, despite the obese collection I already own. This time, I spent a good 5 minutes streaking a selection of dark nude shades across the back of my hand, finally opting for ‘Honeylove‘, a shade which I thought suited my fair skin tone best.

Nipping into Boots for some toiletries ended with me leaving with a fresh bottle of my favourite scent ‘Boss Orange‘, in a handbag-friendly EDT 30ml size. I particularly like this as I remember Sienna Miller used to feature on the advert (#WCW alert). I’ve also been meaning to invest in a primer which reduces pores for a while, and whilst queuing I spotted Benefit’s ‘Porefessional‘, at only £10 for a mini size it would be rude not to!

My shopping trip wasn’t all about beauty picks, I also bagged some bargain grey ballet pumps from H&M, a steal at only £8!

If any of you fancy purchasing any of my latest buys for yourself, the links are all in the wording ❤

Until next time fashionistas x x x